The Fairy-Go-Round Ring Fort, Dingle Peninsula, Co. Kerry, Ireland
A tourist-attraction with a petting farm, this privately owned attraction is 10 km west of Dingle in the parish of Kilvickadownig. Its along the world famous Slea Head Drive. This Ring fort, also known as a "Rath", "Lios", or "Fairy Fort" is a circular ancient pre-Celtic settlement

Ancient history 5000-600 BCEBronze Age 3500-1200 BCEFolklorePrehistory 3 MILLION-5000 BPRaths and Ringforts
Irish Fairy Forts
“Fairy Forts” are the names given especially by the Irish, Cornish, and other residents of the Isles around Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Britain who strongly believe in the faerie folk. This is a localized term for the “raths”, “ringforts”, “lios”, “hillforts”, “rounds”, “earthen mounds”, or circular dwellings found in England, Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Man, and Wales.