Ancient history 5000-600 BCEBlogNeolithic 4500-2000 BCEPrehistory 3 MILLION-5000 BPRaths and RingfortsStone Circles
Standing Stones
Across the world there have been found various large quarried and cut or rough boulders staged up as a "standing stone" in fields, lots, forests, and hilltops.

Hag of Beara Stone
the infamous “Hag of Beara” stone – also known as An Chailleach Bhéara or the White nun of Beara, The Cailleach, “Hag”, “Old Crone”, or Old Woman of Dingle. In Irish lore, she is known as the Cally Berry or Cailleach Bheara.

Ancient history 5000-600 BCEBlogClassical antiquity 700 BCE-476 CEPrehistory 3 MILLION-5000 BPStanding Stones
The Ballycrovane Ogham Stone of Beara
At this point in my journey, I was bouncing between West Cork and County Kerry, so I apologize for any content stating that this standing stone is in Kerry - it's in West Cork. As I spied on the map, an Ogham Stone was outside of the Ballycrovane quay, so I took a gander. It is in the backyard of a private cottage with very few parking places without blocking the residents. They have an iron gate with a 2 Euro donation box to wander up to see the stone firsthand. It is a massive pointed granite monolith atop a hillock overlooking the Ballycrovane Harbour, standing approximately 17 feet tall. The Ogham inscription purports to say, "Son of Deich descendant of Torainn" (MAQUI DECCEDDAS AVI TURANIAS). There is also a modern national monument declaration plaque below.

Aztec Ruins fallacy – Aztec, New Mexico
Aztec Ruins is a misnomer regarding Aztec, New Mexico—ancestral Pueblo people built here.

Ancient history 5000-600 BCEfortificationsHistoricIron Age 1200-600 BCEPrehistory 3 MILLION-5000 BPRaths and Ringforts
Dun Beag Fort
In Irish this means "Little Fort". It is a triangular shaped promontory fort measuring 35m along its western side atop the 30 m high cliffs on the Dingle Peninsula in County Kerry with distinctive rows of defences and panoramic views over the Dingle Bay of Valentia Island and the Skellig Isles.

Ancient history 5000-600 BCEBronze Age 3500-1200 BCEFolklorePrehistory 3 MILLION-5000 BPRaths and Ringforts
Irish Fairy Forts
“Fairy Forts” are the names given especially by the Irish, Cornish, and other residents of the Isles around Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Britain who strongly believe in the faerie folk. This is a localized term for the “raths”, “ringforts”, “lios”, “hillforts”, “rounds”, “earthen mounds”, or circular dwellings found in England, Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Man, and Wales.