“Aztec Ruins? Aztec Ruins is a misnomer regarding Aztec, New Mexico—ancestral Pueblo people built here. In a popular 1811 book, the famous geographer Alexander von Humboldt wrote: ‘We are informed by Indian traditions that 20 leagues (90 miles) north from the Moqui (Hopi), near the banks of the Nabahoa (San Juan River) were the first abode of the Aztecs … we are tempted to believe that at the period of the migration of the Aztecs, several tribes separated from the great mass of people to establish themselves in these northern regions.
Humboldt’s sources were recorded traditions and traveler’s accounts housed in the archives of Mexico City. They proved misleading – the Aztecs are not from this region. Still, the theory was popular for many years and often appears on maps of that era.” ~ park display, Aztec Ruins National Monument, Aztec, New Mexico.

Driving around Colorado – Great Pacific Northwest Move 2013. Photos from Saturday, 21 September 2013. (c) 2013 – photo by Leaf McGowan, Thomas Baurley, Technogypsie Productions (www.technotink.net/photography/). Purchase rights and/or permissions can be obtained at the site listed here. To follow the adventure, visit www.technotink.net/chronicles/.
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