Modern survival: Outdoor gear and savvy to bring you back alive (Hard cover)


Modern survival: Outdoor gear and savvy to bring you back alive (Hard cover)

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Modern survival: Outdoor gear and savvy to bring you back alive (Hard cover). This book, titled “Modern survival: Outdoor gear and savvy to bring you back alive D”, is a must-read for anyone interested in survival skills and techniques. Written by Dwight R. Schuh, a renowned author in the field of outdoor survival, this book covers a wide range of topics from selecting the right gear to mastering basic survival skills.

The book falls under the categories of “Books & Magazines” and “Books” and is written in English. It explores the literary movement of modernism and the topic of survival. Whether you are a seasoned outdoor enthusiast or just starting out, this book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their survival skills and knowledge.

Former library book. Used. Good. Shelf wear. As is no returns. See photos for condition, details and visual descriptions.

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Additional information

Weight 32 kg
Dimensions 12 × 8 × 2 cm


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